Critics of feminism have long suspected that the ultimate goal of the movement is to get rid of men. Their fears seem to be confirmed by artist Debbie Grossman’s “reimaging” of Russell Lee’s iconic photographic series portraying families in the rural New Mexican community of “Pie Town. Feminism, however,...
Continue ReadingWhy anybody, especially the media, would even bat an eye over yesterday's disclosure of Schwarzenegger's love child and at least a ten year infidelity occurring right under the nose of his wife and his family is ludicrous.
Continue ReadingIf the erasure of Hillary and a female White House aide by Brooklyn’s Orthodox Hasidic newspaper, Der Tzitung, from the White House “Security Room” photo is informative at all, it’s to tell us that religious fundamentalism is alive and well in America, too. If it serves a constructive function, on...
Continue ReadingThere’s nothing more “do it yourself” than being a woman scientist, and depicting Fried as Rosie does more to underscore her difference from other scientific geniuses than it does to suggest that science is no longer a boys’ club.
Continue ReadingIf it was just a guy firing straight into the air, this never would have made the wires.
Continue ReadingAm I saying that women are less susceptible to violence, harassment and intimidation in Egypt than before Mubarak fell, or that some men didn't attack women or chase them out of the square later in the evening? No, I'm not. As opposed to the idea the photo somehow missed...
Continue ReadingWhat makes this event so profound, and perhaps even a game changer in terms of the enmity and gridlock in Washington (not to mention the career trajectories of divisive figures like Palin, Limbaugh and the like) is the natural counterpoint, visually and character-wise, that the previously little-known Gifford stands...
Continue ReadingLooking at the screen shots of the then-second-in-command, we see the worst exploitation of power, Honors barging into the shower to witness two males soldiers lathering each other or interjecting himself into another scene of two women in the suds.
Continue ReadingThis isn't the first time we've discussed the Military's female units operating in Afghanistan, and particularly, domestic media's fawning fascination with them. I'm wondering if this photo leading an MSNBC video, however, doesn't cut a couple different ways.
Continue ReadingCertainly, the “private parts” of male politicians have served as punch lines for late night comedians, but those jokes typically lampoon something that the male politician did. These jokes about Hillary Clinton make fun of something that she is.
Continue ReadingIn the end, female marines with guns are, well, simply marines with the guns.
Continue ReadingIt is an inspiring sight, at first: the streets of Afghanistan are saturated with campaign posters. They're on storefronts, roadside billboards, even festooning lampposts like holiday streamers. Democracy must be blooming, right?
Continue ReadingAfter nailing Drudge for gay-baiting, why does Sullivan actually feel the need to factually disavow the sleazy inference of the juxtaposition -- that Napolitano couldn't have been secretly leering at body scan images? And then, Drudge's timing and the explicitness of the scan are also curious.
Continue ReadingI'm wondering how much the wildness and sensuality in a photo like this serves to foster empathy for a child in today's Afghanistan versus how much as it lifts Zohal from the world she occupies and splices her into a stylish, Westernized fantasy scene that hip Western media consumers...
Continue ReadingThey were willing to identify themselves to a foreign journalist and tell their stories: "They felt that, at least someone is asking and concerned," but Brendan felt, "I wanted to preserve their anonymity as much as possible. So I shot really tight and cropped in on the eyes." Because this...
Continue ReadingThe disappointment of the Old Spice Guy ad campaign is that the progressive image of black masculinity is only funny—and only makes sense—when it is wedged into another narrative (one as familiar as the racist story that Old Spice Guy tries to displace). Women desire (and are most desirable...
Continue ReadingI do think Michelle's outfit that day (whether a less- or more conscious choice) is interesting. If anything, though, I think Beck got it exactly backwards.
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