It only takes an instant to absorb the basic elements of this picture for you to think, "Oh, one more #OccupyWallStreet photo, right?
Continue ReadingIf the protest/occupation in Liberty Square is easy to make fun of, especially for its scale, it creates a new fact on the literal ground of Wall Street. These are young people, victimized by the recession, willing to publicly dissent and, as importantly, stand up against conventional wisdom.
Continue ReadingThe best thing you can say about big media's token coverage of "Occupy Wall Street?" At least it's artful.
Continue ReadingI'm sure a John Boehner would point to a photo like this, of all those young and disenfranchised Americans marching on the Stock Exchange, as evidence of class warfare. Except...
Continue ReadingDodging a bullet, and crying wolf: Hurricane Irene in New York City.
Continue ReadingBeyond the one-liner, there is something unique and clever about this picture, delivering an effect that is extremely rare, at least for an editorial photo.
Continue ReadingDon't they get that graffiti, symbolic of the alienation, frustration, and yearning for identity and expression that underpins it, is the exact thing Cameron is denying?
Continue ReadingAnd the guy probably shorted the company that insured the boat!
Continue ReadingIf Romney's statement that "corporations are people" was stunning, just as telling was his reaction when people started laughing out loud.
Continue ReadingThe media and the royal couple made a lot out of visiting L.A.'s most desperate neighborhood. When it came to showing anything of the locale, however, the visual media mostly missed the opportunity.
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