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Notes Photo July 20, 2005

First Impressions

According to the most recent NYT Magazine cover story, the Democrats have improved their ability to frame language to shape the political debate. What I can’t understand, however, is why the “framing war” seems to be confined to words.  What about pictures?  In introducing Bush’s first Supreme Court nominee,...

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Notes Photo July 7, 2005

Move Over Zarqawi: The New Iranian President And The 1979 Embassy Take-Over

The Administration would be happy for you to believe that the new president of Iran helped lead the take-over of the U.S. embassy  in ’79.  So would your own eyes. How much does the administration single-handedly create new evil-doers and how much does the press go along? One thing...

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Notes Photo June 29, 2005

Hill and Two Bills: Checking In on the Clinton Comeback

In spite of all the adulation heaped on Karl Rove, maybe he’s not exactly the PR legend he’s been promoted to be.  (And who know how he would have fared the last four years if he hadn’t had 9/11 to exploit. And re-exploit.) In any case, the Clintons are...

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Notes Photo June 23, 2005

Target Hillary

At the risk of lending more thought to the thoughtless anti-Hillary assault that Ed Klein has just published, I wanted to take a look at one more photo page from the book — if just to better understand some of the dynamics of the Hillary assault.  (This doesn’t imply...

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Notes Photo June 22, 2005

Ed Klein and Matt Drudge's Stolen Moments

Ed Klein’s Attack Book, "The Truth About Hillary," and Matt Drudge’s Profile of It, Blatantly Misuse a News Photo to Slander the Clintons.  Doing Some "Photojournalistic Forensic Work," the BAG Takes Apart the Propaganda and Breaks Down the Image. What if you are a former Newsweek editor and a...

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Notes Photo June 14, 2005

Away from Sesame Street

Who can account for Laura Bush this past May 25th? We know Mrs. Bush was in Egypt on May 22nd.  That’s the day she was photographed with Suzanne Mubarak at the Itahedeya Palace in Cairo, the two sitting in the chairs President Mubarak uses to greet foreign dignitaries in...

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Notes Photo June 10, 2005

Bolton-ed On

I know the BAG’s visual analysts at-large are going to have a field day with this one. Here are a few of my takes: I love the black-and-white. It’s brilliant. What better expression of this Cheney clone. It’s not even metaphorical. This guy is the picture of severity!  (This...

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Notes Photo June 2, 2005

Cell, Sell, Sell

Typically, the BAG tends to looks at one picture at a time.  However, I thought it might be interesting to consider the visual politics surrounding one issue, thinking about how the White House is used to stringing a series of strategic photo ops into a campaign.  Obviously, in putting...

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Notes Photo May 18, 2005

Uniform Response

This was a photo from Monday — right before the Administration turned a magazine blurb into an opportunity to reset the news cycle.  Given the magnitude of the bleeding in Iraq, the problem can’t help but find its way back into the headlines.  In the meantime, the White House’s...

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Notes Photo

Killer Issue

Now that we know Newsweek Magazine is the source of anti-American feeling in the Arab world, the visual evidence is starting to come in.  Here, courtesy of AFP, we see how the trouble got started.  Obviously, upon hearing that Newsweek documented U.S. desecration of the Quran, Pakastani men rushed...

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Notes Photo February 25, 2005

Schwarzenegger From Below

Is the Gov slipping?  If you’ve been following the BAG, you know I’ve been keeping tabs on the Arnold show.  From the latest visual coverage, however, I sense something is wrong.  Until recently, the press had been happy to follow the director.  Lately though, it seems a revolt is ...

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Notes Photo February 18, 2005


I had the chance on Thursday to actually listen to Bush’s press conference.  When you just read the transcript, you don’t get the flavor of how condescending he is to reporters. This recent photo on the White House website suggests how Bush sees and distorts the role of the...

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Notes Photo February 14, 2005

Getting The Business

Is spin coming unspun?  In other words, is spin starting to draw more attention to itself than to what it’s spinning?  What suggests this possibility are lead articles in two different sections of Sunday’s NYT.  On the front page of the Business section (maybe I am focusing a little...

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Notes Photo February 9, 2005

Sugar and Spice and Everything Rice

In spite of her reputation as George Bush’s closest advisor and confidant, Condi Rice seemed a minor player in W’s first term.  To the extent she distinguished herself at all, it was in helping over-dramatize the threat of Iraq’s WMD, and failing to heed the advice of her staff,...

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Notes Photo February 7, 2005

The Selling of the Apocalypse

For years now, the Administration has been playing on fear to sell its agenda.  Through intimidation, manipulation and clever marketing, this tactic has successfully scared off the media and the Democrats from attacking their message or confronting their methods.  For a good while, they squeezed the juice out of...

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Notes Photo February 2, 2005

State of the Union Show

I know everybody’s atwitter about the brilliantly executed SOTU moment in which Janet Norwood, the mother from Pflugerville who lost her son Byron in Iraq, embraced Safia Taleb al-Suhail, the women from Iraqi and victim of the Saddam regime, who had just voted in her country’s election.  Even before...

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Notes Photo February 1, 2005

How Many W's Would You Give Me For An FDR?

    Whoa.  I got so distracted by the Iraqi elections, I almost completely forgot about Bush’s coronation. (I mean, inauguration.) (…Or maybe I was right the first time.) One of the reasons I think its important to track-back is because the Republican linguistic experts used the event to...

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Notes Photo January 18, 2005

Watch Your Back(drop)

In my last post, I was talking about how politicians — taking a cue from the sports and entertainment industries — have begun turning photo ops into personal and policy product placements.  Among other techniques, the President has made broad and increasing use of labeled backdrops, particularly to market...

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