Sure, the cops got their girl. But for goodness' sake, is a riot police scrum supposed to look so glamorous?
Continue ReadingI doubt the group expected a photo this effective, even if Femen protesters are consistently “manhandled” by police.
Continue ReadingStopping these throughways provide a way for the movement to demonstrate that business-as-usual has got to stop, and that citizens -- especially those that simply watch on TV -- need feel it, too.
Continue ReadingOn the first day of this new year, let's hope for more constructive engagements and enlightened outcomes.
Continue ReadingMedia doesn't do the public or the culture any favors in focusing so overwhelmingly on street battles and gotcha imagery.
Continue ReadingIf pro-police demonstrators were seen wearing t-shirts mockingly pushing back on the #ICan'tBreathe meme, yesterday's act has completely altered the atmosphere.
Continue ReadingDoes the photo of the undercover cop pointing his gun at a photographer come with more social and editorial baggage than most can handle?
Continue ReadingThe solidarity of the players expresses a desire not to wear “freedom” as a slogan but to seize it as a fragile part of their daily lives.
Continue ReadingIf all we can do is watch, we should at least recognize that we have a responsibility to do so, all down the line.
Continue ReadingBy pure coincidence, the piece of gear seemed to frame LeBron’s protest as a Ferguson echo too.
Continue ReadingThere have been so many "die ins" across the country, the newswires have been full of them. These three particularly stood out to me.
Continue ReadingThe beauty of the first photo is how it juxtaposes Radio City as a real life Christmas card with the street. It's the season of joy versus another day of open wounds.
Continue ReadingThe photograph stands as notice that the problem of black-white relations is the true American tragedy.
Continue ReadingAs a single statement and a preamble to the contest is one thing, but bathed in light and replayed as the capstone to various winning moments is asking that much more.
Continue ReadingStatus quo eye candy.
Continue ReadingAfter the post 9/11 admonition to "go shopping," how striking to see the National Guard called in to defend big retail.
Continue ReadingThis prime time, night time, #Ferguson cable countdown a disgrace and an insult to all Americans
Continue ReadingWhat's noteworthy is the role and prominence of the camera across a good many of these shots.
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