You know what's messed up? It's when a cosmetics company turns a populist and embattled movement for economic justice into giggly, jiggly mind-numbing hamburger for the sake of peddling lip balm.
Continue ReadingThe fact it's a member of the NY Police force choking this protester, as opposed to some other power suit, feels like a distinction without a difference.
Continue ReadingSo the question, when we get to the end of this 24-hour media cycle, will the Reuters photo win the action for Occupy, or, will the Mayor's gambit pay off?
Continue ReadingThis weekend photo from Portland raises THE question about Occupy right now.
Continue ReadingNow, I know that Occupy had a tough week in Oakland, but it's no coincidence that a nationwide crackdown is underway with big media only too happy to focus on police action as if Occupy brought it upon itself.
Continue ReadingIf not the first eviction, Portland is one of the more timely with the photo sure to satisfy many pushing for Occupiers to go home.
Continue ReadingGiven the violence that broke out on Wednesday, this almost dainty photo is as misleading as it is an affront to students who minutes earlier were attacked by UC Berkeley police.
Continue ReadingOver the past few months, the Occupy symbol that has come to characterize both the soul and the footprint of the movement is the trusty camping tent.
Continue ReadingShame on the Sacramento Bee for attributing the violence late Thursday night to Occupy protesters when the chaos was identifiably the responsibility of an outside contingent of black bloc agitators.
Continue ReadingLabeling, and the politics of language is critical to the media coverage of Occupy right now. The fact the media is behind-the-curve in making that differentiating between the non-violent Occupy movement and violent agitators is very dangerous when it comes to informing the public as to what Occupy...
Continue ReadingI'm assuming Occupy -- which is proving itself remarkably savvy at organization and "self-government" -- will continue to improve their self-policing. Something that remains to be seen, however, is whether traditional media picks up on the fact.
Continue ReadingWith the momentum of the U.S. Occupy actions, I believe the 99%, persecuted and trapped in the bonds of financial inequity as they are, have a chance (some bit of tiger, notwithstanding) to convey a higher moral purpose in coalescing at the summit.
Continue ReadingWhat this photo does do, under the guise of quirkiness, is begin refashioning a peaceful, citizens-driven 2012 "Occupy" into the anarchistic mold of Seattle '99.
Continue ReadingIf the photos from Occupy Denver Saturday night serve a constructive function, it's to establish that Oakland was not an anomaly.
Continue ReadingMore the flavor of Tea (and militia) than anything else, the photo represents one more projection of hate onto a non-violent Occupy movement suddenly vulnerable to contamination, infiltration, exploitation -- and, yes, provocation -- by all forms of crazy.
Continue ReadingWhat makes movements come into their own are martyrs.
Continue ReadingMaybe the question is: what's occupying the media?
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