Isn't what we're seeing here, in fact, mostly the product of brilliant marketing, the President (or Romney) engineering the perception of participation and populism.
Continue ReadingNot to jade the comforting role of the President in a tragedy like this, but Obama's gestures today dealt exclusively with the heart and the personal story at the expense of any teachable moment.
Continue ReadingDuring Monday's Olympic basketball game in D.C., Obama gets a test of passion he wasn't bargaining for.
Continue ReadingThe question is: what's with the rapid cycling of slogans on backdrops and posters in the presidential campaign?
Continue ReadingGiven his wonky governing style, it still seems like a surprise when the charismatic and fired-up Obama comes charging out.
Continue ReadingI mean, if you didn't know he was the President of the United States....
Continue ReadingI do find the moment touching and believe Obama can be a comforting presence, but I think it doesn't come easy.
Continue ReadingCertainly a person is going to appear a lot more concerned and connected observing a catastrophe from what looks like his living room window.
Continue ReadingThe Supreme Court Obamacare announcement mess illustrate the shortcomings of traditional media and the growing power and critical effect of social media.
Continue ReadingThe significance of Obama atop the nation's most symbolic reclamation project.
Continue ReadingIn this polarized political climate, it appears there are different ways of reading what happened -- and different photos for it.
Continue ReadingAll I want to know is whether Romney knew his own solar bet has gone belly up before his photo op the other day in front of Solyndra.
Continue ReadingIf your dominant view of politics is that both parties are in the tank to the monied class, these last two days were for you.
Continue ReadingA look at the Obama and Romney birth certificates side-by-side.
Continue ReadingIf this direct comparison of Obama with Jesus Christ doesn’t play to conservative invective, I don’t know what does.
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