The fact that city representatives or the public-at-large would take issue with such depictions has been primarily characterized by the publishing world and the photo establishment as misplaced, as a misunderstanding of press photography rather than some misunderstanding or insensitivity on the part of the industry toward the public.
Continue ReadingIf most people who saw this in various "photo of the week" galleries simply thought, "that’s cool," I think there’s more to it than that.
Continue ReadingWhat I find so powerful is how much Alexey Furman's photo from Ukraine manages to capture and express war as an act of domestic violence.
Continue ReadingWhat is it about this photo of Sub-Saharan migrants high up a pole in Spain’s border town of Melilla that earned a POY award?
Continue ReadingSure, the cops got their girl. But for goodness' sake, is a riot police scrum supposed to look so glamorous?
Continue ReadingThe picture of “Jon and Alex” seems to also be part of an emerging trend among the winning photographs of recent years: a cinematic aesthetics that combines artistic compositions with invitation to storytelling.
Continue ReadingIt could have landed on his shoe. It could have bounced and landed on that other guy's straw hat. But, it didn't.
Continue ReadingPerhaps the noirish quality serves as a buffer but this photo is at least as tense as it is tender.
Continue ReadingStopping these throughways provide a way for the movement to demonstrate that business-as-usual has got to stop, and that citizens -- especially those that simply watch on TV -- need feel it, too.
Continue ReadingProtestors armed themselves against government forces with whatever was available to them, creating a visual mash of color and symbolism, the clergy ministering throughout.
Continue ReadingThe infusion of creativity into the news photo is not just an art itself, but is often a slippery slope.
Continue ReadingI appreciate that a news photo deserves to be judged and valued as a professional artifact. It's not nearly so straight forward, however.
Continue ReadingI don't see how this front page impacts the pro versus amateur argument in that big a way. Not as much, at least, as the blizzard of (free) publicity bestowed on Instagram and Facebook.
Continue ReadingIt makes you wonder (or makes me wonder, anyway) about rhythms in the universe.
Continue ReadingWhat’s brilliant about the photo that it’s as audacious and unique as it is inevitable.
Continue ReadingI've been continually moved this year by imagery that took difficult situations and found a deeper human element.
Continue ReadingLA burning isn’t beautiful because LA deserves to burn. LA burning is beautiful because we can see it that way.
Continue ReadingI wish I could tell you how I would have read the picture before. Instead, I made acquaintance with it while immersed in the photos from Ferguson.
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