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Notes Photo May 1, 2007

The Death Of Suaada Saadoun

is this the pic???  No...

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Notes Photo April 22, 2007

Photographer Alan Chin From Blacksburg

View Photojournalist Alan Chin's photographs and reflections from Blacksburg on the mayhem at Virginia Tech.

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Notes Photo April 5, 2007

Since November (#5): The Look Of Lethality

What does a bad soldier look like?  And, what are the limits of reading into a photo?

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Notes Photo March 11, 2007

Your Turn: 120 Days

My one thought, before I make room for discussion, is to wonder: is just the experience of approaching these images its own metaphor for the war?  My first inclination -- probably a common one -- was to keep my distance.  After that, I didn't know where I went or...

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Notes Photo March 10, 2007

Why Alan's Frustrated

Last week, I offered you some images from Alan Chin's February 11- 12 campaign trip to New Hampshire. In that post, I also noted Alan's frustration in covering the presidential candidates, especially his sense of feeling like a "paparazzo."  In this post, The BAG explores the matter more deeply.

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Notes Photo February 11, 2007

Your Turn: Rites Of Passage

Nina Berman's photo of Iraq veteran Ty Ziegel and his wife, Renee Kline, won a first prize in the portraits category in the 2007 World Press photo awards announced Friday.

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Notes Photo February 4, 2007

If You Are Not Outraged: The Latest Photos From Alan Chin

I invite your comments on this latest set of images from photojournalist and BAGnewsNotes contributer, Alan Chin.

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Notes Photo February 2, 2007

The Capital Of Consumerism

Ariadna Arnés, one of the talented photojournalists I've met here in Barcelona, visited the States for the first time in 1988, attending an exchange program at Rochester Institute of Technology. These images, taken in upstate New York, capture her earliest impression of America.

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Notes Photo December 15, 2006

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh (Chinese) Christmas Tree

Héctor Mediavilla -- one of those fine, up-and-coming Spanish photographers you've met in Barcelona -- captured these stunning images of Christmas in Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of the Congo.  And sure, he thinks it's ironic the Christmas toys, trees and trinkets come courtesy of the good-hearted subsidization...

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Notes Photo November 2, 2006

Religion, Race And The Islamic Bomb: Looking At What We're Talking About

In the last two weeks, the NYT has published two prominent pieces touting the growth prospects of nuclear oblivion.So, what does this have to do with a seven-year-old daughter of a Ukrainian liquidator born with cerebral palsy? The reminder, in the powerful image above by Spanish photographer Lourdes Segade, is...

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Notes Photo September 11, 2006

Your Turn: Grasping The Ephemeral

Marc, one of two originators of woostercollective, featured this photo as part of his recollection of 9/11.  Along with the image, he describes how the attacks served as the genesis for this unique and invaluable site.  Now five years old, woostercollective is as intrinsic to the practice of street...

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Notes Photo August 31, 2006

Your Turn: Something That Isn't There

In the extended quote from his blog, David Burnett refers to his photo spread in the August edition of National Geographic.  Using his cherished large format Speed Graphic, the shallow depth of field created a particularly unusual effect.  With Katrina's impact already other-worldly, Burnett's images add the impression that...

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Notes Photo August 28, 2006

Katrina Anniversary: The Art Of Misery

As dedicated as I am to political imagery, I hope the stream of Katrina photo-documentation is having some tanglible impact on the reconstruction of the Gulf.  However, I'm under no illusion about this week's anniversary visuals.  With summer at its exhaustion point, its hard not to see the more...

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Notes Photo August 23, 2006

Your Turn: Pregnant Pause

In this image, according to VF: "architect and amateur pilot Isabel Daser, eight months pregnant, asked a co-worker to take her portrait as a record of the day."  Incredibly, Daser was not aware of the World Trade Center smouldering in the distance. I am interested in your impressions of this...

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Notes Photo May 21, 2006

Seeing The Unseen, Fifty Years Later

News photographer Robert Adams captured this moment as Shuttlesworth was attempting to enter a whites-only waiting room at the Birmingham Terminal Station on March 6, 1957....  Just a few years after this picture was made, Birmingham’s black citizens would be tortured by Bull Connor’s police dogs, slammed into brick...

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Notes Photo May 3, 2006

The Katrina Landscape: New Images From Photojournalist Alan Chin

By now, everyone who follows this site is well familiar with photojournalist Alan Chin's remarkable black-and-white photos of Hurricane Katrina's aftermath.  Alan's first set of images formed the basis for The BAG's And Then I Saw These, recently recognized by the Koufax Award as 2005's  Best Post in the...

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Notes Photo February 12, 2006

Above The Hold

The most powerful news images are the ones which resonate equally on a political, psychological, emotional and visual level. This photo, by Todd Heisler of The Rocky Mountain News, was one of the winners in the just concluded World Press photo contest.  I have seen this shot a number of...

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Notes Photo February 11, 2006

Your Turn: Flare For The Dramatic

A reader recently referred me to this aerial photograph.  It's part of a series of three shots, as well as an accompanying video.  He writes: I've been trying to figure out why, or what is it about these photos that make them so remarkable.  It can't because they were taken...

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