As carefully as "Staff Sgt. Miguel Deynes prepares a final uniform for Capt. Aaron R. Blanchard," I'm drawn as much or more to the hanging uniforms and the racks of pink circles containing different insignias and medals.
Continue ReadingWhat's so novel and unique about the footage is how this man looked and sounded so rational, even deferential and slightly apologetic after butchering the British soldier.
Continue ReadingTalking about the military's latest sexual harassment black eye, I was wondering what you thought of the photo accompanying yesterday's NYT story about female cadets at West Point being taped surreptitiously in the shower?
Continue ReadingLooking at the Reuters' edit, at least one visual story line is coming through strong and clear from the NRA's annual meeting in Houston.
Continue ReadingWhat Richard Reid did for the sneaker, it looks like the Tsarnaev brothers have done for the backpack.
Continue ReadingInside the police perimeter on Franklin Street it was hushed and quiet, with only the sound of generators powering the metal halide arc lights and a flight of bats rustling tree branches on what would return soon to simply a chilly spring night.
Continue ReadingThere aren't two other photos from the extensive collection this week that better represent the extreme ends of the N. Korea threat spectrum.
Continue ReadingLately, I've been thinking about themes and patterns in the river of photos flowing through the news web.
Continue ReadingA bit of a far cry from: "looking for a few good men," wouldn't you say?
Continue ReadingEven if the threat from N. Korea is just posturing, Pyongyang's "declaration of war" in this internet age has set off a full-scale rhetorical engagement and intense visual confrontation.
Continue ReadingI'm certainly curious how that tonal strategy relates to America's previously burning patriotic and nationalistic fires.
Continue ReadingTailoring the story toward economics, the edit banks hard around the militarization and instead takes dead aim at budget strife.
Continue ReadingWith gun control facing an uphill battle in Congress and the NYT running a feature today about more coziness between the gun lobby and Congress, I was thinking about the meaning of this newswire survivalist photo.
Continue ReadingAs the number of women participating in exercises like these increases, it will become more difficult to justify gender segregation in the military and other spheres.
Continue ReadingIt's interesting how much differently we might look at a picture given where we are along the "equality trajectory.
Continue ReadingComing upon this U.S. soldier in Afghanistan at the end of Lynsey Addario's NYT Lens slideshow/interview, I was surprised my reaction was so utilitarian.
Continue ReadingWhat goes around comes around?
Continue ReadingI have to wonder if this cover is actually going too far for freezing a targeting killing machine over one of America's fine planned communities.
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