What are the implications of these photos in terms of the integrity of international news reporting? And what is the political, perceptual and propaganda impact of these photos relative to the goals of this terror group knowing how high they are riding?
Continue ReadingFor one thing, the judge spent a good chunk of time during the trial behind dark glasses.
Continue ReadingWith the Israel/Palestine situation at a stalemate, what else can this girl do?
Continue ReadingAnd yet, is it possible — puppies as metaphor, and emotional suggestion -- to conceive of the Israelis and the Palestinians engaging in a way that is softer? When you put it into words, it sounds remarkable silly, but such is the power of photography.
Continue ReadingThere is a quick element in the clip that doesn't seem to square with the overwhelming vision of peace, love and undoing.
Continue ReadingIf this bus was a violation of the "no-campaigning during voting" rules, it didn't matter.
Continue ReadingIf there is cheering and yelling at events like this, my sense is that most Egyptians are quietly resigned. It’s so predictable from here out. Egyptians have lost their voice again.
Continue ReadingThe natural recipient of awe, it's that rare to see the Pope ceding this much power to anything.
Continue ReadingWhat were left with (if it's not a parody on her claim to fame) is the act of her giving her body.
Continue ReadingWhat strains also is the actual imagining of a "promised" land -- with the delusional notion that, once the air raid siren goes off, residents simply meld into the Zionist dream.
Continue ReadingIt's ironic because the viewer, particularly in war photography, isn't supposed to be aware that there is a camera.
Continue ReadingDo you know what's so stunning about this file image editors chose to illustrate Syria's latest butchery?
Continue ReadingWith the passing of Ariel Sharon, we were interested in the political nuances, and biases, in the photo galleries summarizing his career.
Continue ReadingCapturing the domestic anxiety of the civil war.
Continue ReadingMy question is, why did this photo stand out so powerfully from the larger edit of 10-year-old Issa working in a Syrian rebel weapons factory?
Continue ReadingWith respect to everything at stake here, the bar for decisive imagery remains much higher.
Continue ReadingIt seems some variation of that Mike Tyson "best laid plans" quote is on a lot of minds these days.
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