With everything in our increasingly technological, innovative and cataclysmic world as fodder for the camera, tell me it's not getting harder to make sense of what's sticking out anymore.
Continue ReadingThe fact that city representatives or the public-at-large would take issue with such depictions has been primarily characterized by the publishing world and the photo establishment as misplaced, as a misunderstanding of press photography rather than some misunderstanding or insensitivity on the part of the industry toward the public.
Continue ReadingI am partly posting Kanye’s shaming of the celebrity-crazed public and his indictment of mobile photography as an example of how much pictures can take on a life of their own.
Continue ReadingThe hostility of anti-Muslim protesters on the seventh annual Texas Muslim Capitol Day pales in comparison to the recognition and appreciation of the different cultural and religious communities among us.
Continue ReadingIf the 2015 Oscars expose a diversity problem with western cultural exporting, then the selection by POY doubles down on the indictment.
Continue ReadingIn this day and age, when an image could as easily have been pulled off a civil defense drone or a surveillance camera, we also register that.
Continue ReadingThe picture of “Jon and Alex” seems to also be part of an emerging trend among the winning photographs of recent years: a cinematic aesthetics that combines artistic compositions with invitation to storytelling.
Continue ReadingAn AP photographer doesn't do any favors for the shrewdness of Olympia's arms enthusiasts.
Continue ReadingWhat Mark’s photo frames and what it also nails are two of the immigration issue's elephants in the room.
Continue ReadingNow that vaccination has become the latest political football in America’s ideological and culture war, the injection photo really does carry some weight.
Continue ReadingIf you want an image that encapsulates a cultural milieu that enables the commercial success of Sunday's big game, skip the sports page and take a look at these photos from the Super Bowl's lesser-known, but just-as-indulgent cousin.
Continue ReadingThis is not a post about remembrance as much as it is about the applicability, universality and the visual influence of the occasion.
Continue ReadingIf power is unequal, hearts are hard and communication in the public square is all too partitioned and barbed, I deeply appreciate both these images.
Continue ReadingMedia doesn't do the public or the culture any favors in focusing so overwhelmingly on street battles and gotcha imagery.
Continue ReadingIf media skews to the dark side, the gift of the photo is the reminder that life is how you look at it.
Continue ReadingWith such disparity in our otherwise elegant world, the puncture seems fitting of the times.
Continue ReadingIf the bride knows the Masai and they are friends, is she still "using" the Masai as accessories? Umm, yes.
Continue ReadingWas there more than just a visual resemblance between the photo of the window washers rescued from the WTC yesterday and the remarkable photos of the European Space Agency’s Philae probe after successfully landing on Comet 67P over 300 million miles away?
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