Visual highlights of Obama - McCain, Round Two
Continue ReadingHow often has it crossed you mind that the townhall format McCain uses looks like an old-style boxing ring?
Continue ReadingBAGnewsNotes analyses of the Palin doodle document.
Continue ReadingA BAGreaders wrote me over the weekend about a shot of Palin in the Guardian. His thought on the accompanying picture -- run on Saturday, but taken two weeks ago at the Clinton Global Forum, the morning after McCain supposedly suspended his campaign -- makes Palin look "older, more...
Continue ReadingAlthough this old LIFE Magazine cover with Tina Fey and John McCain has been making the rounds for about a month now, I've yet to heard anyone relate it to the sexual dynamics of the McCain-Palin ticket.
Continue ReadingWith Obama on a roll, the NYT dug up this 2001 image of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn to slap on the front of the on-line edition.
Continue ReadingTo me, at this point in time,, this photo articulates why Obama is pulling away from McCain and will be the next President of the United States.
Continue ReadingThe BAG's top pics of the night from the Biden - Palin debate
Continue ReadingBensten/Quayle vs. Biden/Palin: As a visual analogy, fair or unfair? Predictive, misleading or a warning?
Continue ReadingProps to the clever photographer for this shot on the newswire making light of the right-wing attacks on V.P debate moderator Gwen Ifill.
Continue ReadingRealize how the presumptuous Sarah was just taking a break from the teleprompter for an instant, and that, otherwise, her appearance in Golden, Colorado was mostly a Mad Ave.-style agglomeration of sex appeal, maternal idealization, ideological harangue and firing range adreline surge.
Continue ReadingIt's one thing to watch interviewers respond to Sarah Palin's odd mixture of bravado and gibberish. It's another to observe McCain along for the ride. As such, I offer you a breakdown of McCain's "micro reactions" in the first first forty-four seconds of last night's interview with Katie Couric.
Continue ReadingI'm still admiring the shot accompanying the NYT McCain gambling expose. The piece outlines McCain's potential conflict of interest involving his oversight of the gambling industry (not to mention, his personal penchant for the tables).
Continue ReadingWith the astronomical bipartisan bailout package on the verge of passage, I haven't seen a shot of Dems and Repubs standing together since, well, McCain blew through town.
Continue ReadingIn the progressively evolving search for the perfect visual McCain analogy (as Mac continues to reveal himself), this "McCain as The Joker" is chillingly incisive. I'll leave it up to you to elaborate why.
Continue ReadingPaired with Sarah Palin's absence from last night's Presidential debate, this photo-op of the McCain's boarding their campaign plane yesterday for Mississippi with the Giuliani's is phenomenally awkward.
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