This is a “class A” example of how the media is getting steamrollered by the right. Yesterday, the NYT Magazine did a cover story on Rick Santorum, the third-ranking Republican in the Senate and the institution’s resident wild-eyed evangelical. So how did the Times approach the task of profiling...
Continue ReadingIf the NYTimes is the official media arm of the Democratic party, why aren’t they acting the part? Facing a week in which Senate Republicans are expected to push the nuclear button and detonate the Senate filibuster, this is the shot the Times selected to showcase the opposition. As...
Continue ReadingGenerally, I tend to assume most news photos have a some kind of editorial slant. That’s why I was interested in this image that accompanied Howard Fineman’s piece in last week’s Newsweek. The article, title Playing Rope-a-Dope (link), profiles the reluctant Senate Democratic leader, Harry Reid. The story outlines...
Continue ReadingWith the fateful medical unfastening almost ancient history and the Congressional fireworks also fading fast, can anyone imagine a calm end to the Terri Schiavo story? After studying images of mouth-sealed protesters; potential trespassers; Terri with Michael, and Terri with Mom, maybe I’m ready for my own...
Continue ReadingFeeding off on the current Lakoff craze, the latest issue of The New Republic has a cover story by Robert Reich about “the lost art of Democratic narrative.” In the piece, Reich proposes a series of “story lines” the Dems can use to better package their policies. As you...
Continue ReadingThree day after setting off political tremors by appealing for “common ground” on the issue of abortion, the AP published this photo of Hillary Clinton. In a speech to 1,000 “pro choice” supporters in New York on January 24th, Clinton described abortion as a “tragic” choice, and said she...
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