At first, I was frustrated about my position on the extreme right flank. What it afforded, though, was a view of the candidates where they were, otherwise, more out of view.
Continue ReadingAlthough it's fantastically late, I couldn't collapse before fling this report from today's YearlyKos candidate forum (or, what I characterize as the realYouTube debate -- except with live people and minus the static of CNN.)
Continue ReadingWith the chance to witness the Democratic candidates literally looking up to, and listening to everyday Americans -- that connection fueling a good deal of emotion and spontaneity within the group -- it would be hard to call it a bad night.
Continue ReadingHaving raised a large bulk of funds from small donations, there is no reason the Obama campaign shouldn't feel good about it, and claim credit for grass roots popularity. But the Times -- in the same way it consistently doubts John Edwards' concern for poverty -- somehow feels the...
Continue ReadingWith John Edwards in New Orleans for an extended trip, the NYT hits him pretty hard.
Continue ReadingAfter a near revolt by Senate Repugs this week over Iraq, intense WH pressure brought them back into line -- at least until September. But so what? Trapped between saving face and saving their political skins (not to mention, saving lives), these people understand all too well they are...
Continue ReadingIf you happened to miss it, the NYT had an extensive article yesterday detailing Hillary Clinton's religious identity. I found the lead photo an act of inspiration. What is compelling about this shot is, well, how religious it is, and how effectively it conveys an inner moment.
Continue ReadingDoes the NYT (continue to) question John Edwards' masculinity by suggesting Little John is being overshadowed by his wife?
Continue ReadingWhat do we do with Bill in pictures with Hillary? If Bill Clinton were as relatively lesser known or recognizable as most candidates for “First Lady,” the problem might be easier.
Continue ReadingFirst, my attention was called to the fact that these images are more in line with what Kress and Van Leeuwen call “demand” pictures rather than “offer” pictures.... The third cover ambiguates all of this just a bit, but the eyes are still present, and we get the sense...
Continue ReadingWhat was so brilliant about the Clinton/Sorpranos video was not so much the hype over the "campaign theme song" or even the play off of the Sopranos final episode. What was brilliant is how the buzz over both provided an effective buffer, and a smooth entree for Bill...
Continue ReadingMaybe D.C. gridlock is the manifest issue here, but I smell Presidential politics all over (and behind) this cover. Feels like TIME -- perhaps panicking over a one-sided, low-drama election -- is sounding the call for GOP candidate reinforcements. And, excuse me for projecting, but could they also be...
Continue ReadingMy question is, to what extent does the visual analogy to Lincoln, as proposed by Black Agenda Report, suggest that Obama has sold out black America?
Continue ReadingMy take was that, as the campaign grew more adversarial, a negative visual stereotype would emerge involving Hillary Clinton's profile.... And it can float the suggestion that she's got a hidden side and an inside, duplicitous agenda."... In elaborating on the portrait, however, one reader caught an attribute that...
Continue ReadingBecause a picture is worth a thousand words; the NYT lead photo is always a definitive statement on these things; and CNN did most of the damage with its handicapping arrangement of the candidates, here's what we've got on last night's New Hampshire Democratic debate.
Continue ReadingIn line with Digby's apoplexia over Monday's fawning NYT Guiliani piece, I was admiring the accompanying photograph.
Continue ReadingTruly an interesting pic to accompany one of the momentous political developments in years. I'm convinced that the consequence of George Bush's stubborn adherence to a failed Iraq policy is the devastation to the formerly morality-owningChristian super-far right constiuency....
Continue ReadingNBC commentator Brian Williams talks to the crowd who assembled to hear the first Democratic presidential primary debate of the 2008 election hosted by South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, S.C., Thursday, April 26, 2007. (AP Photo/J.
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