Having watched Obama closely in the debate last night (and since we were discussing him earlier in the week), I wanted to come back to him ... but from a more psychological point of view.
Continue ReadingWhen a reader forwarded me a piece of anti-Obama email this last week, I dismissed it. Because its gone viral, however, I thought I would take another look.
Continue ReadingI'm amused by the latest way John McCain chose to frame Hillary Clinton in relation to what he was doing during Woodstock.
Continue ReadingWhen the "Hillary laugh" business came up about two weeks ago, I didn't pay much attention. It seemed mindlessly superficial. I'm taking notice now, however, for the way its wormed into recent campaign imagery, and especially, the newswire stock.
Continue ReadingThis image accompanying Vanity Fair's dish on the Clinton-Gore-Clinton WH triangle, appearing as it does now, conveys relevance beyond mere historical (or gossip page) fascination.
Continue ReadingI know my post yesterday dealt with TIME turning the lights out on Obama, but that was from the previous week's edition. This week's catch is even better, illustrating how the right-wing noise machine is starting to kick in to high gear. The screen grab above comes from TIME's...
Continue ReadingLeft-to-right and top-to-bottom, the media message is fairly clear: Obama's campaign has become... a reach, a stretch, a dream beyond his grasp -- and, in a more bodily sense... a fading, a falling back, a disappearing act. I have my own theory about Obama's reach, however....
Continue ReadingI'm suspicious, and I can think of at least one good reason why Bill Clinton has been so neutered.
Continue ReadingIf the most interesting element in John McCain's new batch of ads is the footage of his Vietnam captivity, what is less apparent is the revised framing of what was formerly "The Iraq War."
Continue ReadingWhile corporate media was being spun this week on the evils of Iran, it was also getting played on the campaign front. This example involves a cute little post at WAPO's campaign blog, The Trail.
Continue ReadingThe Caucus piece conveys the surprise, on the part of London press, that Gordon Brown would afford Rudy the venue. What's behind that? (And then, the visual coordination seems, uhm, "tailored" also.)
Continue ReadingWhat the Times also accomplishes is to add more cement to the structural association between Rudy and 9/11.
Continue ReadingI think they picked a shot for the cover that shows Fred Thompson in healthier shape than he is now.... What with the intimation throughout the piece that Thompson lacks drive (Newsweek effectively calls him lazy on the cover and describes how he hardly ever went after a political...
Continue ReadingGiven the controversy surrounding Rudy Giuliani's commemoration of 9/11, and shifting thoughts about what profile the day merits six years out, TIME's "Person Of The Year" cover for 2001 seems to grow that much more audacious.
Continue ReadingDid you happen to notice Sunday's front page NYT piece, "In 2008 Race, Little Ones Go on the Trail With Daddy" ? After the read, the pictures and the video, the one thing I can say for certain now is: this campaign is way too long to do anybody...
Continue ReadingThis past week in Bettendorf, Iowa, Mitt Romney --the “family values” candidate who looks like Ward Cleaver -- was asked whether any of his five sons had served in the military or were planning on enlisting to fight the "war on terror."
Continue ReadingOne way to look at YearlyKos '07 is as a candidate authenticity test. (I wish I had a business class upgrade for every time one of them finish a comment with: "Sorry, but that's what I believe.")
Continue ReadingMy sense from watching him closely is that Edwards is in a lot of pain.
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