The media chatter regarding Edwards, (at least pre-Bhutto), has been that the anti-corporate message might be gaining traction (as if it hadn't been strong all along). Newsweek helps out with a cover that reinforces his everyman/working man message.
Continue ReadingIn responding to the killing yesterday, Team Clinton worked the experience theme again, claiming that Clinton had met several times with Bhutto, in this case, in Islamabad in 1995.... Still, the fact this image presents an image of parity, the balance provided via/by way of the symbolism of motherhood...
Continue ReadingWith a week to go before the Iowa caucus, this NYT piece on John Edwards is a real hit job.
Continue ReadingObviously, the common rection is to think of a 100 pound weight loss as an impressive act of will. I was wondering, though, if Mike Huckabee's accomplishment plays to a different tune pervading this campaign.
Continue ReadingIn this photo and NYT bio piece on Mitt Romney and his famous father, we are led to assume that Mitt is a shadow of his father. Well, try the opposite.
Continue ReadingYou might be interested in this analysis The BAG contributed to Huffington this AM. The front page piece of slander just put me over the edge.
Continue ReadingFascinating pic the NYT has up today regarding Hillary Clinton's re-re-start. A few takes: Despite the intention to put a warmer, friendlier Hillary front and center ... 3 people moving in completely different directions. Bill moving to the fore, taking charge.
Continue ReadingPerhaps it goes without saying that gender and race are generating plenty of ink this primary season. In this picture, however, it isn’t a matter of either race or gender but about their intersections, in this case about white anxieties about black masculinity.
Continue ReadingFor those who say Romney only got exercised during the commercial break and didn't realize the camera was running, you would have thought a seasoned politician -- one not so prideful and thin-skinned -- would still have known better.
Continue ReadingGiven the Clinton - Obama fireworks in Iowa, however, this image says a whole lot less about then than about now.
Continue ReadingIf JFK's people back in 1960 had been just half as smart as the Romney people today, how could candidate Kennedy's famous encounter at the Greater Houston Ministerial Association have been "improved?"
Continue ReadingWhatever you think of Hillary, it seems the media is taking its opportunity to pull "the Dean thing" again. I saw this image alone on the wire the other day and didn't think about it too much. But then, the NYT used it this morning to illustrate its "Angry...
Continue ReadingIf big media has been afraid to call out Clinton for asserting he was against the war from the beginning, it seems the visual press couldn't let it go without at least a telegraph.
Continue ReadingIf Ron Paul can take a short rest on a long march... I guess The BAG can too.
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