A couple weeks after lambasting borrowers as much as lenders for the mortgage meltdown, McCain has supposedly done a 180˚.... So how did McEconomics redress his charge that those good folks who got played by the finance companies should have known better?... Sorry, temporarily took this post down to...
Continue ReadingI was interested in your take on the provocative cover of the Village Voice depicting Hillary as bruised and battered.
Continue ReadingRepublican presidential hopeful, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., holds up a copy of a newspaper ad by the liberal group MoveOn.org that criticized the top military commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, as McCain condemns the ad while speaking at a Veterans Appreciation Barbecue and No Surrender Rally in Florence,...
Continue ReadingAs Tommy Lee Jones McCain jets around the country, keep your eye on his brilliant use of a strategic fashion accessory.
Continue ReadingOn the 40th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, I thought it fitting to embrace this image from the NYT slide show "Wednesday on the Trail."
Continue ReadingHighlighting the teleprompter draws attention to how impersonal and highly-scripted McCain's self-described biographical tour has turned out to be. In someone with a healthier attitude and behavioral history, one would expect a more informal, personal and emotional connection to one's past.
Continue ReadingFirst (and most important) point: This diptych leads off a Newsweek column by Karl Rove. Second point: Karl has already concluded (the man always spinning) that the Democrats are destined for a contested convention. Third point: The heavy-handed title of the piece, sitting just under the image, is: How...
Continue ReadingObviously, photographs can be damaging to a candidate, such as the mild images of Hillary at the Tuzla airport after she spoke of being greeted by gunfire. However, we don't often know to think why.
Continue ReadingPerhaps Clinton damages her cause by overselling her experience, likening herself more to a Vice President than a consistent advisor, emissary and/or ambassador. To the extent however, that the fear of gender discrimination hangs over, and inhibits, practical discussion of her actual experience, it makes it difficult to define...
Continue ReadingWhat is becoming abundantly clear (at least, studying the images "with the sound off") is that McCain not only lacks any idea how to present himself professionally to the public, but that he seems characterologically unable to lend himself to this kind of management.
Continue ReadingFrankly, I don't know why the military would release such an image. In reality, it's one of those grabbed shots that can convey anything. Visually, though it shows McCain appear to cower as his helicopter prepares to lift off from Iraq. The juxtaposition is heightened that much more between...
Continue ReadingIs Barry Blitt's Hillary/Obama/red phone New Yorker cover that obvious or not?
Continue ReadingIn the context of the sympathetic Newsweek issue, and Brown's particular piece, it seems clear that the image -- comparing Hillary's relations with the press with a male's basic process of relieving himself -- is a rather unvarnished indictment of what is being characterized as a woman-hating press.
Continue ReadingI'm not sure why Jessica Bennett's article in the latest Newsweek is titled "Am I Betraying the ‘Sisterhood’?" In light of the rhetorical question, the last line of the piece speaks of her "womanly satisfaction" with each Hillary victory.
Continue ReadingNot Like McCain Wanted To Appear Like He Was Taking Bush's Lead. (Latest Shots From "43's" White House Scrapbook.)
Continue Reading“I am a little surprised that all the complaining about the refs has actually worked as well as it has for them,” he said, using a sports allusion to the news media as referees. “This whole spin of how the press has just been so tough on them and...
Continue ReadingAccompanying yesterday's NYT front page article over whether the candidates are getting a fair shake from the media, The BAG wonders whether this front page photo sequence actually tips one way or the other.
Continue ReadingI am shocked -- shocked I tell you! -- that someone (most likely from the Clinton camp) released this photo of Barack Hussein Obama....
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