I was watching this outrageous CNN piece at the gym, with the sound off, and I almost feel of the stairmaster.
Continue ReadingAs much as McCain accuses Russia of having grand designs, McCain is milking the Georgia crisis for all it's worth.
Continue ReadingWhat makes a meme effective, be it -- verbal, visual or the combination -- is constant repetition. Does the cover of Corsi's Obama poison-pill look familiar?
Continue ReadingU.S. military transport planes disgorging combat soldiers in Georgia? If McCain were president, it's not such a stretch to imagine those soldiers as Americans, as opposed to locals having gotten an airlift out of Iraq.
Continue ReadingI wouldn't bother with this post at all, except I spent a lot of time this past year defending Edwards from media slander.
Continue ReadingMcCain still plumbing the depths of the "Obama feminized, hot black man has it for hot white woman, famous-for-being-famous bimbo/celeb territory," now glombed onto tax-and-spend hysteria.
Continue ReadingForget "flip flopping" or "I was for it before I was against it." The McCain campaign is reaching for a whole new, supposedly hypocrisy-transcendent state known as: "all of the above" (...in which any policy, or picture, can simultaneously mean one thing and its opposite).
Continue ReadingFor those of you who have yet to see it, I'm proud to bring you the "fuel injected" audio slideshow version of "ObamaPhobia," my presentation delivered July 19th, 2008 at the NetrootsNation conference in Austin.
Continue ReadingOnly the wildly hypocritical McCain could could have made the scene at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally at the Buffalo Chip campground in Sturgis, S.D. and escaped any blowback from the wild debauchery and female exploitation that characterizes the event.
Continue ReadingRove has now set in place the framing designed for Obama's popularity, charisma, freshness, youth and religiosity to turn on itself.
Continue Readingthe tone of the campaign has, indeed, experienced a very sudden drop in cabin pressure, ushering in the likely event of an emergency landing.
Continue ReadingMy question is, does the NYT put Obama in a classic double bind by simultaneously illuminating his racial constraints with both blacks and whites?
Continue ReadingMcCain has been ripping Obama for having a "God complex," but perhaps the main issue has to do with how much Obama -- held up to the presidential role, and as compared to McCain -- fits the part.
Continue ReadingBut what's really classic is that McCain put Obama's face on a dollar bill over a month ago!
Continue ReadingAt the psychological core of McCain's demeaning and racist video attack on Obama Wednesday, we have McCain actively staining Obama, then fingering Obama for the blotch. What the photographer and the photographs point to, and what McCain seems to unavoidably telegraph, is his outright blemish.
Continue ReadingI think we are being played if -- in deconstructing "Celeb," the McCain Obama-attack video -- we go so far as unearth and analyze the allusions to racist sexual stereotypes but overlook the possible allusions to violence itself.
Continue ReadingA look at how the McCain campaign's anti-Obama "Celeb" video conveys racist allusions to sexual promiscuity and rape.
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