Here, it seems as if Team Romney had its prayers answered after an urgent call to central casting.
Continue ReadingWe'll be discussing this photo as part of Sunday's BagNews "Campaign Mania" Salon with an expert cast of photographers, visual academics and political analysts. Hope you'll join us!
Continue ReadingThe BagNewsSalon, a program of BagNewsNotes, brings together the world's leading photojournalists, visual academics and other informed observers to understanding how the visual media frames the key social and political events of the day. The next Salon, "Campaign Mania" involves an early look at the 2012 presidential campaign. ...
Continue ReadingTalking 9 pics in 90 minutes. The BagNewsSalon, a program of BagNewsNotes, is dedicated to understanding how the visual media frames the key social and political events of the day. An invited panel will discuss the visual culture of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.
Continue ReadingJoin us the next BagNewsSalon discussing the framing of the great recession in the United States and Europe. The Salon includes photographers who have been covering the recession in depth and academics specializing in the visual rhetoric of poverty and social welfare.
Continue ReadingWe at BagNews are proud to provide this audio slideshow drawing attention to a recession that may have ended on paper, but in practical terms, continues to plague so many Americans. Also, we are pleased to offer this forum to John Moore, a compassionate and truly gifted photographer so...
Continue ReadingAt this BagNews Salon, an expert panel will analyze images of one of the most anticipated moments in American international politics over the past decade, the killing of Osama bin Laden. What was shown, and what does it reveal about the political biases and long building expectations for this...
Continue ReadingOn Sunday, March 20th, BagNewsSalon is hosting an online panel looking at the media's visual framing of the Egypt uprising. We encourage you to listen in, recommend the discussion to colleagues and also recommend students to view this lively deconstruction of key media images.
Continue ReadingBagNewsSalon is pleased to offer this exclusive audio slideshow interview featuring Brenda Ann Kenneally, and a look at a small town America that we rarely see in the traditional media. Her photographs detail the dispiriting circumstances that cycle through generations of young women, a destiny that may have included...
Continue ReadingReading the Pictures is pleased to offer this exclusive audio slideshow featuring an interview with Michael Kamber, contract war photographer for the New York Times, and a focused look at the issue of military censorship, including photos he's insisted on being seen.
Continue ReadingSlideshow, video archive and selected quotes from the online BagNewsSalon: Looking at America's Great Oil Spill, held Sunday, July 18. Featuring John Moore - photographer/Getty Pictures; Erika Blumenfeld - Artist and Documentary Photographer; Kari Goodnough - photographer/Bloomberg Photos; Loret Steinberg - Professor of Photojournalism and Documentary Photography/R.I.T.; Nathan Stormer...
Continue ReadingBagNewsSalon presents Jon Lowenstein's photos from Haiti in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake in his own words.
Continue ReadingThis BAGnewsSalon examined a small group of images from the week following the devastating Haitian earthquake, considering: the boundaries of the graphic and sensational; how much the pictures presented a representative versus generic or stereotyped view of the Haitian people; and whether the pictures overly skewed toward human suffering...
Continue ReadingJoin us Sunday, May 3, 2009, 7:30-9:00 pm EST; 4:30 - 6:00 pm PST, for the next BAGnewsSALON: Obama: The First 100 Days. This discussion will examine nine Obama Administration images leading up to the 100-day mark.
Continue ReadingLooking Since the Storm A BAGnewsNotes Salon featuring Getty Photographer Mario Tama Sunday, April 5, 2009 5:00 - 6:30 pm PST, 8:00-9:30 pm EST
Continue ReadingPreceding the inauguration of Barack Obama, this edition of the BAGnewsSALON, an on-line discussion series, dealt with how Michelle Obama has presented herself, and been perceived by the media.
Continue ReadingT his election edition of the BAGnewsSALON, an on-line discussion series, included moderator C ara Finnegan; producer Ida Benedetto; host Michael Shaw; professors Paul Lester; Nathan Stormer and John Lucaites; photographers Alan Chin, Nina Berman and Aric Mayer, as well as members of the BAGnewsNotes readership. ...Considering the images...
Continue ReadingThis Sunday at 7pm EST, BNN presents another 90-minute edition of the BAGnewsSALON. As previous, we will be discussing key images that have graced The BAG over the past two weeks. (If not for the length, we were going to call it: "'The Miley; Sadr City; Jeremiah Wright Meets LBJ;...
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