RTP’s Michael Shaw and Cara Finnegan meet up Saturday mornings for a lively twenty-five minutes chat about three current news photos.
Continue ReadingWelcome to our latest edition of Chatting the Pictures. This week we discussed Mark Zuckerberg’s DC appearance, the Syria gas attack, and Michael Cohen "and friends."
Continue ReadingWelcome to our latest edition of Chatting the Pictures. This week, we focus on photos from the 50th anniversary of the Martin Luther King assassination, protests in Gaza, and Donald Trump throwing away a script.
Continue ReadingWelcome to our latest edition of Chatting the Pictures. This week, we focus on one photo from Sacramento and two from Washington.
Continue ReadingWatch the latest edition of Chatting the Pictures, our 25-minute weekly webcast. This week, we look at the media spectacle from Capitol Hill to Pennsylvania to Moscow.
Continue ReadingEverywhere you looked this week, young people dominated the political dialogue.
Continue ReadingWatch our latest chat with RTP's Michael Shaw and Cara Finnegan. It's a lively and unique 20-minute webcast looking at key photos of the week.
Continue ReadingHey, we’re back with another news photo chat! Watch RTP's Michael Shaw and Cara Finnegan riff for 20 minutes or so about three headline photos.
Continue ReadingHey, we’re trying a new thing! It’s publisher Michael Shaw and Salon host, Cara Finnegan, doing a live 25 minute Facebook chat riffing on 3 headline photos.
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