Of course, it's not outside the realm of possibility the family of this kid understood how xenophobic Trump is.
Continue ReadingWhere are the critical details as the kids are seen to be either parading, or trick-or-treating past rows of people living in tents or boxes?
Continue ReadingWe aren’t invited to question how the American food industry prepares meat. According to the imagery, it's the public's willpower that is on the hook.
Continue ReadingThis photo of migrant children on the Macedonia/Greece border uniquely captures the more daily highs and lows of this historic period.
Continue ReadingWhat’s unique about these four photos is how they capture the same historic passage through Europe at completely different orientations.
Continue ReadingThere is always a risk of seeing refugees or people in flight as poor and needy, especially if the photos focus on their dehumanization.
Continue ReadingWhile the media is swimming in a river of Hillary faces from the House Benghazi hearing, I had some thoughts on some slightly less trafficked photos.
Continue ReadingHere, the intensity, and even more so, the complexity of Biden's expression requires no reading in.
Continue ReadingPerhaps it is in the very places where challenges abound, such as Manenberg, where family photo albums can hold the most power to shape identity and collective memory.
Continue ReadingWe already know Justin Trudeau can make a visual splash. The question is, can he make a difference?
Continue ReadingThe New York Times photo people do not put just any picture in its “Picture of the Day” gallery.
Continue ReadingWhat does it mean to spotlight these huge hunting knives when younger Palestinians are just grabbing whatever is in the kitchen drawer?
Continue ReadingWhy would radical feminists disrupt the premiere of a film celebrating radical feminism? And more significantly, did the optics work?
Continue ReadingThe photos are crucial for the opportunity to substantiate what we only know to be true.
Continue ReadingAs it turned out, what was probably most significant about last night's Democratic debate was its comparison to the Republican campaign.
Continue ReadingOn the eve of 2015's first Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas, this Clinton photo op enables the mogul to tower over her party's event, too.
Continue ReadingWhat surprisingly informative about this photo of Palestinian's at war with Israel in the Occupied Territories is how much they have to work with.
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