Michael Shaw Archives
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International Focus Photo March 31, 2015

The Anti-ISIS "Coalition" and the Fiction of One Iraq: The Flags Tell You All You Need To Know

You can read any number of articles describing how Iraq and its military is a fiction. But the reality is fluttering right there in the wind.

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Eco Watch Photo March 29, 2015

Girl With Scarf — or a Mutation?

I just can't help seeing a second face in the picture.

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Eco Watch Photo March 26, 2015

Waves Like Mountains: Viral Nature Photos in the Age of Climate Change

The article explains the power and interest in these pictures in terms of their ability to capture the "raw, majestic, natural power of the sea.” But, could there be more at play here?

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Campaign '16 Photo

Hillary Emoji

The storyline out of the gate is overexposure.

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Militarism Focus Photo March 25, 2015

Military Photo Awards: Taking Some Ownership on Domestic Violence

One glance is enough to appreciate the photo as tacit acknowledgement of the military’s rampant sexual harassment and abuse problems.

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Media Focus Photo March 24, 2015

Obama at the Science Fair

It’s an indication of Obama’s self-assuredness that he tried out the goods in front of a room-full of news photographers at this year’s White House Science Fair.

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Campaign '16 Photo

High Hopes for '16 Optics … as we Launch by Cruz

Knowing that photographers and the public are expecting more creativity, more storytelling and more editorializing out of their news photography these days, I'm hopeful Campaign '16 will allow for visual reveals.

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International Focus Photo March 23, 2015

On Der Spiegel's Jolly “Angela Merkel and the 7 Nazis” Cover

What’s going on, if you ask me, is the use of exaggeration and a bit of mockery to minimize the Greeks.

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Ferguson MO Photo March 17, 2015

How We Look at the Black Man Who May or May Not Have Been Shooting at Two Officers in Ferguson

One would hope that editors would understand the moral and political liability of framing Williams as a protester, tainting the rallies and protests in Ferguson by suggesting the shooting of the officers was intentional, retaliatory or racially-motivated.

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International Focus Photo March 16, 2015

Israel: Election Landscape

There is a mountain of imagery on the newswire right now on the impending Israeli election. This, though, seems to strike the perfect note of irony.

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Campaign '16 Photo March 12, 2015

Horns Are The Least Of It: Quick Takes On The New TIME Hillary Cover

Of course, if you want to avoid the silhouette altogether....

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Afghanistan Photo March 10, 2015

On Men Cross-Dressing in Kabul, Istanbul in Support of Women's Rights

I’m wondering if these displays might also reflect a shift in consciousness when it comes to sexual identity and gender roles.

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Terror Focus Photo

ISIS Art Attack: Less than Meets the Eye?

If the amount of authentic art in the ISIS video truly is nominal, the question is how much (more) we are being manipulated?

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Race Focus Photo March 7, 2015

A Different View of the Edmund Pettus Bridge — Photo by Andrew Lichtenstein

The way this photo is situated has a lot to say about how much race continues to represent one of America's greatest obstacles.

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International Focus Photo March 5, 2015

Character Moments Versus Political Ones: Netanyahu's State of Disunion

If the general public failed to grasp the audacity of Tuesday's imagery, it's only because commentators, activists and partisans were so overwhelming focused on the politics and ideology.

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Photography/Photojournalism Photo March 3, 2015

A First Place Photo in Light of the Damning Justice Report on Ferguson

If Philip Montgomery's First Place "Picture of the Year, International" Feature photo was good before, it's even better today in light of the newly released DOJ report.

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Belgian Distress Over World Press Winning Pictures: Considering News Photos in a Larger Atmosphere

The fact that city representatives or the public-at-large would take issue with such depictions has been primarily characterized by the publishing world and the photo establishment as misplaced, as a misunderstanding of press photography rather than some misunderstanding or insensitivity on the part of the industry toward the public.

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Photography/Photojournalism Photo March 1, 2015

An "Eye Flying" Photo: News Pics Playing With Perception

If most people who saw this in various "photo of the week" galleries simply thought, "that’s cool," I think there’s more to it than that.

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