Although the Pope typically addresses injustice in the context of class, his concern over racial strife was implicit in those key quotations from MLK.
Continue ReadingWhat was straight out of a parallel universe was the way our senior legislators, the polarized of the polarized, reacted to the Pope's confrontation in a completely apolitical way.
Continue ReadingPoverty? Racial tolerance? Social Justice? For the media over the next few days, it’s Hollywood, baby.
Continue ReadingOur read on the visual highlights of the presidential debate, including the Donald - Jeb, Donald - Carly and just The Donald show.
Continue ReadingHas Hungary become the visual fall guy for a crisis with no good humanitarian answer?
Continue ReadingI have to say that, up until the past year or so, I wasn’t seeing a whole lot of news photos that were this lush.
Continue ReadingWe’re way past the point where an image like this simply serves as a reminder of the problem.
Continue ReadingThis remarkable photo, taken 9/12/01, is even more interesting appearing in a year wracked by racial protest and the emergence of #blacklivesmatter.
Continue ReadingSeriously, this might be the most surreal photo of the great migration.
Continue ReadingThe achievement here is how the group can take this mindlessly oppressive rubble world and reduce it to pure geometry.
Continue ReadingFor its story value, the photo might as well be a movie treatment — the migrant cast as its dramatic hero.
Continue ReadingIf humanitarian fervor and photos of the migrant crisis dominated last week like nothing else, this largely invisible image served cleverly, if silently, as a counterpoint.
Continue ReadingPerhaps what the crisis images ultimately highlight are the abject limits of our governing systems, our leaders and our humanity.
Continue ReadingMy takeaway from the White House photographs of Obama’s trip to Alaska, and the photos of the outdoor misting stations at Auschwitz, is pretty similar
Continue ReadingIt’s not just man vs. child, especially female child, that exposes the state. It’s also the sense the otherwise omnipotent soldier might actually be over his head.
Continue ReadingWhat’s striking to me is how the news imagery of the world-wide migrant crisis is all over the map when it comes to representing these individuals.
Continue ReadingThe image seems to specifically key off Greenwald’s criticism of a WAPO article drawing an equivalence between Ramos and Trump as provocateurs.
Continue ReadingWith eyes out for symbolism, that arrangement of the hand and fingers is as representative and fraught as any other in this country today.
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