July 17, 2008

Lens On Gitmo

Omar-KhadrWhy the 2003 interrogation tapes of Gitmo prisoner Omar Khadr look so bad:

1.  With the dingy surroundings, the view through the air-conditioning grate (which has the feel of a horizontal blind), and the black dots obscuring the heads of the supposed good guys, the “vocabulary” here bears a stronger resemblance to a surveillance tape capturing a crime going down — which is exactly the point Khadr’s lawyers are making, isn’t it?

2. Since we’ve seen next-to-nothing but sterile shots inside Gitmo (1, 2), it’s hard not to look at these pictures and think of Abu Ghraib, especially with the hat/mask, the orange jump suit, and the-then 16-year-old kid with his shirt pulled down.

Canadian teen’s gitmo interrogation film released – includes school boy shot of Khadr and also graphic image when he was captured – Docudharma

The Unending Torture of Omar Khadr (Rolling Stone)

Blurry Peek at Questioning of a Guantánamo Inmate (NYT)

(screen grab: AFP)

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Michael Shaw
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