The hell with your robocalls, your special handling and your fancy wardrobe! (Insert terrifying growl.)
In this fantastical image from Sioux City on Saturday, a clever AP photographer captures what can best be described as the McCain campaign’s worst nightmare. After keeping her literally cooped up for months, Steve Schmidt’s brilliant creation has gone and turned against
the head tutor, Salter, Davis and McCain (Palin’s latest set of “good old boys”), having finally mutated into her own wild beast. With eight days to go in the campaign, having grown tired of taking orders, Palin is now in open
warfare with the campaign itself.
The picture is evocative every which way with Palin, part-small state Governor, part-cartoonish campaign object acquiring a new rock-em, sock-em right arm, while her left arm seems to take an oath of some kind (POTUS in 2012?) at the same time she gazes to the future — or just the always supreme confidence-inspiring Pentecostal heaven.
(image: Nati Harnik/AP. caption: Republican vice presidential candidate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, speaks in front of Wooly the Wolverine, the West High School mascot, during a campaign appearance in Sioux City, Iowa, Saturday, Oct. 25, 2008.)
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