If you read my “What’s Next“ post last week, you know BAGnewsNotes has been charging ahead on all fronts. To embrace the success and take the site to the next level, The BAG could use some more hands. Because asking for help is my new “Obama change-era” resolution, here’s what I’m looking for:
1. A technology guru and “BAG moving parts” right-hand man.
If you are passionate about the BNN mission; you have two hours or so a week to contribute to the site; and you are conversant with css, Movable Type templating, you can write some java script, and can also wrestle Google Ad Manager to the ground, I need you. Please send a message with bio to: openbag AT bagnews DOTCOM.
2. More visual tips and takes.
Over the past year, a growing number of you have been referring and even scouting pictures for me. That’s made the content much stronger and has also freed up valuable research time. Often, your messages also include thoughtful takes on the images which I’ve also posted, with credit. With BNN growing like it is, what I would simply ask is for more of you to send material this way. (By the way, I make a best effort to respond to every message.) Again, you can catch me at: openbag AT bagnews DOTCOM.
3. Finally, if you also love The BAG, have some time, are a little bit tech savvy, and have some experience with ad sales — especially on-line, I’d love to hear from you too!
Thanks so much.