“I think the best thing to do is if you want people to think about the end of life, number one, Jesus Christ is the place to start, and after that, in the physical life, as opposed to your eternal life, it ought to be done within the family and considered a religious and ethical issue and not something that politicians deal with,” [Grassley] said. — via WAPO
“There is some fear because in the House bill, there is counseling for end-of-life,” Grassley told a town hall crowd. “And from that standpoint, you have every right to fear. …We should not have a government program that determines if you’re going to pull the plug on grandma.” — via Joan Walsh, Salon
Doing back flips to distance himself from Obama and his own ID as one of the Senate Finance Committee’s health care “gang of six,” Grassley is another one who has done a mind meld with Palin in propagating that right-wing fabrication known as the “death panel.”
This slipping-and-sliding over to the dark side makes yesterday’s widely published wire photo that much more hypocritical to Dems, but a beautiful propaganda showpiece looking rightward — like a peace offering to those wingers popping up like mushrooms at each Grassley stop promising to vote him out if he signs on with Obama on health care.
I don’t know what this Sheryl Prather in the pink asked the Senator during a Wednesday town hall in Adel, Iowa. But then, it’s mostly about the picture, right? With all the smoke this guy has been blowing these past few days, the framing speaks to Grassley telling Sheryl the location of the Republican’s nearest secret underground location.
(image: Steve Pope/A.P.)
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