August 26, 2012

Milking Neil Armstrong

RNC Armstrong tribute Getty Images McNamee

Obama Tumblr Neil Armstrong

So rabid and relentless is the daily news cycle skirmish for patriotic status and cultural glow, Neil Armstrong was the obvious go-to icon today in both D.C. and Tampa. One giant leap for mankind, just another step through the visual politicking in political space.

(photo 1: Win McNamee/Getty Images caption: A tribute is displayed on stage for recently deceased NASA astronaut Neil Armstrong who was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio ahead of the Republican National Convention at the Tampa Bay Times Forum on August 26, 2012 in Tampa, Florida. The RNC is scheduled to convene on August 27 and will hold its first session on August 28 as Tropical Storm Isaac threatens disruptions due to its proximity to the Florida peninsula.(photo 2: Obama Tumblr).

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Michael Shaw
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