As it turns out, photos of Romney’s night at the GOP Cuyahoga County Lincoln Day Dinner were pretty scarce. For some reason, the pictures that did circulate were mostly taken in the kitchen. In light of President’s Day weekend, and the fact the contrast caught our eye (…did someone say, two Americas?), we thought we’d share.
Of the two shots below, the first made it to Yahoo and the second was taken and published by the local Plain Dealer.
(photo 1,2 & 3: Gerald Herbert/AP caption 1 & 2: Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney poses for photos with hotel wait staff in the kitchen backstage after speaking at the Cuyahoga County Lincoln Day Dinner in Mayfield Heights, Ohio, Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012.caption 3: Attendees applaud as Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, speaks at the Cuyahoga County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner in Mayfield Heights, Ohio, Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012. photo 4: Thomas Ondrey/The Plain Dealer caption: Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, shakes hands after speaking to the Cuyahoga County Republicans at a Lincoln Day dinner.)
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