Apparently, the Bush Presidency has become so distasteful, a record number of people had to resort to State of the Union drinking games to get through the event. For those not familiar with this practice, it involves taking a drink every time the President says any one of various predetermined statements or phrases.
Doing a quick survey of “SOTU Drinking Game” sites, here are just a sample of statements that would have earned a swig:
“The state of our union is strong…”
“Weapons of Mass Destruction”
“aliens” (as reference to immigrants)
“aliens” (as reference to extraterrestrials)
“Don’t mess with Texas!”
mention of a spending package totaling $1 billion or more
Any word of 5 syllables or more
Anything in Spanish
After hearing the speech, we fear for anyone playing the game who had gone heavy on the religious terms. The person using the mention of “god,” “faith,” “blessing,” “special calling,” “the grace to go on,” “trust in that greater power,” “abstinence programs,” “the sanctity of marriage,” and “value in God’s sight” would have most likely ended up in the hospital with a blackout.
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