September 1, 2004

2nd Night RNC 2008 Springboard Competition. Contestants: Jenna “Sex and the City” Bush and Barbara “The Hamster Didn’t Make It” Bush


Dive: Seemingly Unplanned Giggling Young and Irresponsible Faceplant

Level of Difficulty (10 point scale): .005

Analysis: Reflecting the consistency they have maintained over the past four years, Jenna and Barbara execute a perfect version of their trademark feat. Considering the adverse consequences of the entry, it’s impressive how willing and able the un(self)conscious sisters are to perform this routine over and over again. Unfortunately, the level of difficulty involved continues to hinder them from making a more concrete impression on the judges.

Total Score (10 point scale): “1.5”

(Thanks to Mary for the suggestion.)

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Michael Shaw
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