November 9, 2021
Chatting the Pictures

Chatting the Pictures: The Lava at the Kitchen Window

Welcome to Chatting the Pictures. Every two weeks, we present a short, lively video discussion between Michael Shaw, publisher of Reading the Pictures, and writer, professor, and historian, Cara Finnegan, examining a significant picture in the news. Chatting the Pictures is produced by Liliana Michelena.

By Staff
About the Video

This photo was taken by Jon Nazca for Reuters Pictures. The La Palma volcano has been wreaking destruction for a month now. In that time, there has been one dramatic picture after another from Spain’s Canary Islands. It’s for that reason that we’ve been wondering why this particular wire photo, shot from a kitchen window, has circulated more widely than most. In the video, we look at the novelty of natural disasters in the midst of so much catastrophe related to climate change–and how domesticity is ever more precious these days.

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Michael Shaw

An analyst of news photos and visual journalism, and a frequent lecturer and writer on visual politics, photojournalism and media literacy, Michael is the founder and publisher of Reading the Pictures.

Cara Finnegan

Cara Finnegan is a writer, photo historian, and professor of Communication at the University of Illinois. She has been affiliated with Reading The Pictures for nearly 15 years, most recently as co-host of Chatting The Pictures. Her most recent book is Photographic Presidents: Making History from Daguerreotype to Digital.


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