Welcome to the latest edition of Chatting the Pictures. In each 10-minute webcast, co-hosts Michael Shaw, publisher of Reading the Pictures, and writer and historian, Cara Finnegan, discuss three prominent photos in the news. The program is broken into three segments: “The News,” “The Look,” and “The Pick.” “The News” examine a hard news image for its content value. “The Look” focuses on a news photo for its artistry and style. And “The Pick” asks what made a high profile photo so unique to editors or the public.
“The News” photo this week is by Mike Segar for Reuters. It shows the USNS Comfort passing the Statue of Liberty as it enters New York Harbor. We discuss the irony of an underprepared United States seeking aid, and the ideals of the statue in contrast to the government’s politicized crisis response.
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Take a closer look at some of the images from our larger photo edit.