Welcome to our latest edition of Chatting the Pictures. Streamed weekly over the web, RTP’s Michael Shaw and Cara Finnegan meet up Saturday mornings for twenty-five minutes or so for a lively chat about three current news photos.
This week, Michael and Cara tease apart photos by Getty photographers Chip Somodevilla and Justin Sullivan, and one by Philip Montgomery for TIME magazine. The Somodevilla photo captures Emma Gonzalez in an interlude of silence during a speech at the recent March for Our Lives rally in Washington D.C. The second photo was taken during a Sacramento city council meeting dedicated to the shooting death of Stephon Clark at the hands of police two weeks before. And the third photo, featuring Attorney General Jeff Sessions, appeared on the cover of TIME.
These images demonstrate how much today’s news photos enhance major events and generate their own political conversation.
Take a closer look at some of the images from our larger photo edit.
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