The Bag offers a selective look at yesterday’s dramatic court decision overturning Prop 8:
#1) It’s unfortunate this photo was actually released to the newswire. Getty is playing on gay innuendo to undermine the joy Boies is sharing with his (case) partner, Olson, in celebrating an historic victory.
#2) “My wife is a veteran.” The sense of confidence and affirmation in this Flickr shot couldn’t be stronger here. “Don’t tell” needs to go, already.
#3) This shot — one of the few I saw in the media that captured any Pro-8 protesters, at all — is a reminder that the fight isn’t over.
#4a and b.) Since 9/11, patriotic symbolism, and specifically, the American flag, has become an absolutely vital element in any cultural campaign. The message in the news photos: it was a great day not just for gays and lesbians, but for America.
(photo 1, 4 & 5: Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images photo 2: Sunflowersister via Flickr. photo 3: Wally Skalij / Los Angeles Times.)
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