Kevin Lamarque/Reuters + Chris Ison, PA/AP
Why this photo of Republican Congressman Steve Scalis is attached to this infamous photo of BP’s still-oil spill first responder, Tony Hayward, out on his yacht this weekend, is to make the point that, well … pictures matter.
(caption 1: Republican Congressman from Louisiana, holds up a picture of an oil-covered pelican as he questions BP CEO Tony Hayward. about the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico at a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, June 17, 2010. caption 2: BP Chief Executive Tony Hayward, centre, sits aboard his yacht Bob, during the JP Morgan Asset Management Round the Island Race, Saturday June 19, 2010. The 50 nautical mile, clockwise circumnavigation of the Isle of Wight, started Saturday with some hundreds of yachts taking part. In the past eight weeks, some millions of gallons of oil have gushed into the Gulf of Mexico from a blown-out undersea well with BP being held responsible, and Hayward is thought to have enraged members of the U.S. Congress because he had few answers about the environmental disaster.)
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