June 22, 2010

Stanley "Loose Lips" McChrystal vs. Barack "Tough Love" Obama: Round II

So Obama’s got still another spill to deal with after McChrystal felt the need to share with a reporter from Rolling Stone?

Just so we can compare how the clean up goes this time, here are the White House visuals of Obama and McChrystal going through the same dance last October — the General shooting off his mouth, Obama publicly reaming him, then both men (and wives) publicly putting on a show of BFF (except for Stanley’s jocular, too-relieved look andObama’s smirk).

And here’s more Stanley, including this little “put ’em in his place” via the BAG’s amazing archive tool.

(photos: Pete Souza/White House. caption 1: President Barack Obama meets with Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the Commander of U.S. Forces in Afghanistan, aboard Air Force One in Copenhagen, Denmark on Oct. 2, 2009. caption 2: President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama greet Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal and his wife, Annie, aboard Air Force One in Copenhagen, Denmark on Oct. 2, 2009. The President and Gen. McChrystal, the Commander of U.S. Forces in Afghanistan, then held a meeting on the plane before the President flew back to Washington, D.C.)

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Michael Shaw
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