Ah, wingers.
Now that Rove has discovered Twitter and (perhaps the aptly named) Twitpics, he can self-promote in a whole new way. Besides this photo posted on the 11th (now I’m starting to appreciate why people chafe when I refer to pictures as “shots”), here is a sequence of related tweets:
I’ll send an autographed photo to the first person who can identify the gentleman on the far left.
You’re correct—unfortunately Cheney’s not here. But, I look forward to my next hunt with him.
It’s Chris Wallace from Fox News Sunday.
Back in Washington. Working on the book this weekend. Tune in to Fox News tomorrow AM. I’ll be on Chris Wallace’s 100 Day Special.
Chris Wallace had a very strong first performance at Armstrong Ranch.
What with the Cheney – Bush feud (accompanied by one more look at the paranoid Veep roaming the bushes, and putting himself above and beyond the Bushes) and then this shot (err, photograph) of conservatives-in-exile roaming South Texas and sporting bright colors, big boots and guns, it seems worthwhile to remind ourselves — even if they are mostly out-of-sight — we probably shouldn’t completely turn our backs.
…Notice, by the way, how the boys are all “hugging” the outside, especially over on Karl’s side. (And that’s not to mention all the Rove – Wallace hugging on TV.)
Karl Rove’s Twitpics here.
(h/t: M. Scott Brauer – dvaphoto ) (image: The Karl)
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