With America’s transition into the Obama era, a lot of faces and figures are on the rise. In the newswire photo above, from the Rick Warren/McCain/Obama Saddleback “parish hall” back in August, in appears — from the purple background — like a Godly emanation is flowing from Warren. From a power standpoint, the analogy is hard to dispute. Although Obama conditioned Warren’s inaugural invitation as part of a “big tent” approach, the invocation nod can’t help but elevate Warren into the de-facto role of America’s top preacher, if not an Obama brother-in-arms.
And then, the series below is visually noteworthy for the wonderful political/evangelical/media overlap, the pulpit-worthy close-ups (with the tell-tale stars) captured at the temple of the Clinton Global Initiative.
(images: 1. David McNew/Getty Images, 2. STAN HONDA/AFP/Getty Images, 3, 4. REUTERS/Chip East)