December 23, 2019


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An Indian security force personnel takes position during a heavy exchange of gunfire with terrorists outside the historic Taj Mahal hotel Mumbai on November 28, 2008. Indian newspapers have slammed the government and intelligence agencies for failing to prevent the Mumbai attacks, saying the country's anti-terrorism forces were ill-prepared for the militants. Up to 130 people were killed and around 300 more wounded in coordinated attacks by gunmen in India's commercial capital Mumbai. AFP PHOTO/Indranil MUKHERJEE

An Indian security force personnel takes position during a heavy exchange of gunfire with terrorists outside the historic Taj Mahal hotel Mumbai on November 28, 2008. Indian newspapers have slammed the government and intelligence agencies for failing to prevent the Mumbai attacks, saying the country’s anti-terrorism forces were ill-prepared for the militants. Up to 130 people were killed and around 300 more wounded in coordinated attacks by gunmen in India’s commercial capital Mumbai. AFP PHOTO/Indranil MUKHERJEE

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Meg Handler
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