With the official Halloween politicking over, Palin took her daughter Piper trick-or-treating in Dauphin. Piper dressed as a snow princess. On the campaign plane and at a rally, Palin’s infant son, Trig, was costumed as an elephant. — LAT
Official politicking over?!?
Funny how Obama and his daughter couldn’t catch a moment of peace on Halloween night (among family, friends and their children’s friends in their own neighborhood), while the attention-thirsty Palin clan, exploiting their kids yet again, converted even the trick-or-treat ritual into a photo op. Notice, by the way, how both Mom and First Dude are completely oblivious to their snow princess as they fixate on the attention of this resident.
from NYT slide show: A Political Halloween
(image: Todd Heisler/The New York Times. October 31, 2008. Dauphin, PA)
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