March 11, 2008

The Spitzers

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With the news that Ms. Wall Spitzer has been insistent that her husband not resign, we are reminded that people and relationships are famous for defying conventional logic. Starting from there, I find this photo accompanying a profile of the governor’s wife to be a beautiful portrait involving a radiant woman and a strange and powerful looking man.

What the NYT article says, exactly, is that: “she has even, at times, been able to take the edge off his abrasive style.”  The way it reformulated in my head, however, after looking at this image, is that: Silda Wall Spitzer has been able to somewhat smooth her husband’s rough edges.

I’m interested in what you see in this.

The Public Ordeal of a Private Person (profile of Silda Wall Spitzer – NYT)

(image: Narayan Mahon for The New York Times.

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Michael Shaw
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