Although the picture was taken some days before the voting, you can’t look at this image outside the context of the one-sided loss HRC suffered last night in Maryland (as well as Virginia and D.C.).
Here, Maryland Clinton-backers Lt. Gov. Brown, Senator Mikulski, and Governor O’Malley, back-right, join Hillary on a tour of the Powertrain manufacturing plant. Clinton and Brown wear masks of attention, but you get the feeling that either or both could be as far away as the (at least momentarily) discordant Mikulski. Visions of the end-of-the-line, perhaps?
What seems to enhance the effect is the arrangement of primary colors. While the red-green-blue creates an optimal visual differentiation in the brain, I wonder if the color harmony actually serves to heighten the dissonance of the manufactured mood.
Winning Streak Extends To District, Md. and Va. (WAPO)
image from: Presidential Candidates Boost Campaign Efforts – (WAPO slide show)
(image: Nikki Kahn – The Washington Post. February 2008. Maryland.
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