April 14, 2005

Snap Shots: But Who Shot the Messenger?

11photoCan you tell what’s happening in this Pulitzer Prize winning photo?  According to right wing bloggers, an Iraqi insurgent is shooting an Iraqi election worker with the aid of an AP photographer. 

One of the most prominent and disturbing right wing tactics since Bush came into office is the tendency to take issue with reality when an argument cannot be supported by facts.  In this case (Blogs Incensed Over Pulitzer Photo Award – link), these reactionary bloggers deduce that the photographer could only have been on the scene if he (or she) had been an insurgent sympathizer.  They also go on to charge that the publication of this photo was basically intended to aid the enemy.  Just for the record, I should say that the Associated Press vigorously rejects both assertions.

Apparently, this latest example of foot stomping is not an isolated case.  Lately, there has been an growing tendency for these radicals to attack photojournalism when they don’t like what they see.  Perhaps the solution would be for the government to just remove all independent journalists from Iraq (forget that the bulk of them are embedded), and replace them with White House public relations personnel.

(Larger image

(image: Stringer/AP – photographed December 19, 2004.  Referral: Enid)

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Michael Shaw
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