Did Fox Reporter Chris Wallace go too far in comparing Teresa Heinz Kerry to Eva Peron? Immediately following her convention speech, Wallace was openly mocking, saying that: “[B]y the end, I half expected her to break out into ‘Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina.'”
The following clip is from Bill O’Reilly’s July 29th interview with Ms. magazine editor, Elaine Lafferty. In making a very lame-sounding defense of Wallace’s remark, O’Reilly only gets FOX in deeper, saying: “I don’t think anybody watching this broadcast tonight, with the exception of you and the Ms. magazine babes, are offended by that comment.”
The more popularity Kerry gains with the political middle, backed by strong immigrant and female Democratic voices, the more strongly the (increasingly desperate) right wing seems to respond with race-baiting and gender-baiting sentiments.
Windows Media
(image/video: mediamatters.org)