In this highlight video, we discuss the "singularity" of the Harris layout. We also consider the scale in terms of the cultural and personal breakthrough.
Continue ReadingSure, we can debate the genuineness or artifice of Obama the "everyman." But how does that even matter anymore when a White House PR gesture suddenly morphs into this?
Continue ReadingIf tolerance for John Edwards is pretty low, these photos at the conclusion of his trial caught our eye.
Continue ReadingIf you watch and listen to the video of Harvard Law student Barack Obama speaking up for the outspoken professor, it's not completely without consequences. The net, however, is that it's actually flattering to Obama, and here's why.
Continue ReadingWhat does stand out about the image is the way you could draw a line right through the middle of it -- clock punchers above and Romney below -- and have another nice portrait of two Americas.
Continue ReadingIf a lot of the media still thought the pic of the day involved Romney coming, by chance, upon a Santorum-sponsored car, still others accented Romney's "CEO problem" by leading with the shot of Mitt and the Sprint boss.
Continue ReadingRomney: the face of the 1% -- especially after the "wanna bet" screenshot at last night's Iowa debate.
Continue ReadingWell, the revolution actually will be televised -- the same way the Iraq and Afghan wars were, which is with a few hand-picked embedded reporters and photographers escorted around by the men and women in blue.
Continue ReadingMore the flavor of Tea (and militia) than anything else, the photo represents one more projection of hate onto a non-violent Occupy movement suddenly vulnerable to contamination, infiltration, exploitation -- and, yes, provocation -- by all forms of crazy.
Continue ReadingI mean, Michael Deaver, looking at Obama with the hay bales, must be laughing from the grave.
Continue ReadingOne might say that Pawlenty deserves points for being so unscripted, but I'm afraid being "unpackaged" these days requires an even slicker package.
Continue ReadingThis L.A. photo op was a disaster and it wasn't just because the baby blew him off.
Continue ReadingIn a matter of a few seconds, its not Cameron and Clegg that are in charge, but David Nunn – who, as he points out, is the most ‘senior surgeon’ on the ward.
Continue ReadingIn a brilliant stroke of bad timing, Sarkozy buzzes around in a French helicopter at the same time Karzai's powerful brother is killed by a likely Taliban-sympathizing body guard.
Continue ReadingI'm wondering why Souza posted that shot of Obama above, and whether it communicates more than the duty and engagement the White House imagines it does.
Continue ReadingThe lack of focus on the war or the economy in the last group of photos uploaded to the White House Flickr stream is a real mystery.
Continue ReadingPlease tell me Huntsman, the presidential product, wasn't simultaneously using these two children as a brand endorsement.
Continue ReadingAs the first African-American president, one with the foreign name who rode into Washington with the supposedly liberal pedigree, Obama's fascination with golf, and particularly, golf photo ops (yeah, what happened to those bball games?) can be seen to reassure conservatives and and the establishment.
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